Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gone Girl: A Movie Review

I am late to this party I know, but man am I glad that I arrived! I hadn't read the book yet was dying to see the movie. While Gone Girl was in theaters, we weren't able to make it to see the film. Last week Ryan was traveling all weed and I had caught up on my shows. Both babies were in bed and it was only 8pm. So I decided to rent Gone Girl on the tv.

Nick Dunne (Affleck) becomes the center of the investigation when his wife goes missing on the day of their 5th wedding anniversary. Police begin piecing together the crime scene and events leading up to Amy (Rosamund Pike) going missing. All signs point to Nick. But in a very dark and twisted storyline, things begin to unravel and aren't exactly as they seem. Utterly surreal at times. Intense and edgy. Leaving you hanging onto your seat from minute to minute.

I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense throughout the film and my mind raced about it for several days after watching it. I highly recommend this movie especially if you like a good flick that makes your mind work!

1 comment:

  1. There's no denying that it's an entertaining movie, made by a consummate filmmaker, though not, perhaps, quite as important as it would like to be.

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